Regulations Governing the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Virginia Modules - CIEES

R&S Cumulative Quiz

Regulations Governing the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Virginia Modules

Teacher with Writing Pad in a School Lobby
Teacher with Writing Pad in a School Lobby

This quiz has 20 multiple choice, true/false, and multiple answer questions. You must achieve a score of 80% correct to earn a certificate. Multiple choice questions use a round button and require only one answer. Multiple answer questions use a square button and may have several correct answers or an “all/none of the above” answer choice.

Choose the best answer(s) to each question. You may check each answer after you click it, but you will not be able to change your answer after checking it. Note that you are able to take the quiz as many times as you like to earn a certificate.