Initiatives - CIEES


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Training & Technical Assistance at Old Dominion University
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Training & Technical Assistance at Old Dominion University

T-TAC ODU provides quality training and technical assistance to educators in response to local, regional, and state needs in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The center strives to improve educational opportunities for children with developmental delays and disabilities including individuals with intellectual disabilities (through age 21). T-TAC ODU also provides training and support to teachers regarding assistive technology that will assist students with communication needs and provide access to the general education curriculum. Services at T-TAC ODU are generally free of charge and are designed to meet the needs of special education professionals in Regions 2 and 3.

Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (Evaluation and Leadership)
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Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (Evaluation and Leadership)

CIEES faculty members serve as program evaluators for the VDOE’s implementation of the Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (VTSS), actively participating in VTSS state leadership, evaluation, and implementation teams. VTSS is the VDOE's scope and sequence for implementation of a Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) that aligns academics, behavior, and social-emotional wellness into a single decision-making framework to establish the supports needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students.

Commonwealth Special Education Endorsement Program
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Commonwealth Special Education Endorsement Program

The Commonwealth Special Education Endorsement Programs (CSEEP) provide a readily accessible path to full licensure for provisionally licensed special education teachers and other qualified school personnel to ensure a high-quality education for Virginia's children with disabilities.

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Career & Learning Center for School Mental Health Professionals
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Career & Learning Center for School Mental Health Professionals

The VDOE Office of Student Services has developed a one-stop professional development and resource collection for specialized instructional support personnel such as school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, school nurses, and administrators. Learning modules include Mental Health in Schools, Chronic Absenteeism, Defusing Disruptive Behavior, and Refining Your Toolkit. Resources are available for school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, and school nurses.

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Regulations Governing the Use of Restraint & Seclusion
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Regulations Governing the Use of Restraint & Seclusion

The Virginia Department of Education's Office of Dispute Resolution and Administrative Services presents series of modules to inform Virginia school personnel on the Regulations Governing the Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in Virginia. There are 5 modules and a cumulative quiz that will provide a certificate of completion.

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Virtual Learning Support Toolkit for Teachers
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Virtual Learning Support Toolkit for Teachers

The Office of STEM and Innovation at the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) partnered with the Center for Implementation and Evaluation of Education Systems (CIEES) at Old Dominion University to develop a series of asynchronous learning modules, videos, and resources to support the effective delivery of virtual instruction. This professional development website offers research-based guidance to support school leaders, educators, and key staff in navigating both blended and fully online environments.

Ultimate Behavior Toolkit: What Works
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Ultimate Behavior Toolkit: What Works

The Ultimate Behavior Toolkit: What Works series provides busy teachers with quick, evidence-based information on practices that are critical to creating a positive classroom environment. In positive classroom environments, the students are able actively engage with the subject matter because their teachers have developed effective classroom management procedures. Take a look inside the Ultimate Behavior Toolkit to find evidence-based tools to common classroom problems!

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Office of Dispute Resolution Learning Library
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Office of Dispute Resolution Learning Library

VDOE created the Conducting IEP Team Meetings When Members Disagree to support IEP teams navigate conflict successfully. Parent participation and teamwork are fundamental to special education. Parent feedback is a necessity in ensuring that a student is receiving a free appropriate public education. However, team participants do not always agree and conflict is a natural occurrence in team dynamics. Recognizing that conflict will happen, but that a healthy relationship between all members is in the best interest of the student, VDOE created these resources to support IEP teams navigate conflict successfully.
This library also includes, Back to Basics: Special Education Law. This series was developed from a partnership between the Virginia Department of Education and the Center for Implementation and Evaluation of Education Systems. The Back to Basics: Special Education Law Series is designed to support Virginia school divisions in the professional development of teachers and division personnel on basic special education laws and regulations. The following modules and associated documents provide introductory information on special education compliance.

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Creating Capacity for Change Collaborative
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Creating Capacity for Change Collaborative

As the VDOE continues to support expansion of MTSS implementation across Virginia’s school divisions, the VDOE has established the Creating Capacity for Change Collaborative. This group is comprised of all state, division, school, and community stakeholders who are involved in supporting staff and student outcomes through implementation of MTSS across domains. All grants and funding streams used to support MTSS implementation are grounded in the assumption that implementation of MTSS supports increased capacity and sustainability of best practices for staff, students, and families, unifying our work within this collaborative.

REVIVE! Opioid Overdose Awareness
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REVIVE! Opioid Overdose Awareness

The REVIVE! modules focus on educating healthcare workers and community partners about the risks associated with opioid use and the critical role of naloxone in overdose situations. The modules cover key requirements for dispensing naloxone and provide essential guidance for individuals who administer naloxone, ensuring they are well-prepared to respond effectively in the event of an opioid overdose.